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Qualification Details

Level 4 Restaurant Entrepreneurship – Concept Development and Innovation

Program Overview

This level would provide students with a more in-depth understanding of the different aspects of restaurant concept development and innovation. Students would learn about the different ways to develop a unique and compelling restaurant concept, the different ways to develop a creative and innovative menu, the different ways to brand and market a restaurant, and the different ways to use technology to improve the restaurant experience.
    Module 1: Restaurant Concept Development
  • Understand the importance of restaurant concept development.
  • Learn how to develop a unique and compelling restaurant concept.
  • Develop skills in identifying and evaluating market opportunities.
  • Develop skills in creating a restaurant concept that is relevant to the target market.
    Module 2: Restaurant Menu Development
  • Understand the importance of restaurant menu development.
  • Learn how to develop a creative and innovative menu.
  • Develop skills in selecting and sourcing ingredients.
  • Develop skills in creating dishes that are both delicious and profitable.
    Module 3: Restaurant Branding and Marketing
  • Understand the importance of restaurant branding and marketing.
  • Learn how to brand and market a restaurant.
  • Develop skills in creating a brand identity that is memorable and relevant to the target market.
  • Develop skills in developing marketing strategies that reach and engage the target market.
    Module 4: Restaurant Technology and Innovation
  • Understand the importance of restaurant technology and innovation.
  • Learn how to use technology to improve the restaurant experience.
  • Develop skills in selecting and implementing restaurant technology solutions.
  • Develop skills in evaluating the impact of restaurant technology on the business.
    Module 5: Restaurant Case Studies
  • Learn from the experiences of successful restaurant concepts.
  • Analyze the factors that contributed to the success or failure of different restaurant concepts.
  • Develop skills in identifying opportunities for innovation in the restaurant industry.
  • High school or equivalent
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Interest in the course topic
  • Good level of English
75 GLH