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Qualification Details

Level 2 Hospitality Marketing and Sales – Strategies

Program Overview

This level would provide students with a more in-depth understanding of digital marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and direct marketing in the hospitality industry. Students would learn about how to use digital marketing to reach target audiences, how to use social media to engage with customers, how to use email marketing to build relationships with customers, and how to use direct marketing to generate leads and sales.
Module 1: Digital Marketing for Hospitality
  • Understand the basics of digital marketing and how it can be used to reach and engage customers in the hospitality industry.
  • Identify the key digital marketing channels that are most effective for the hospitality industry.
  • Develop and implement a digital marketing strategy for a hospitality business.
  • Measure and track the results of digital marketing campaigns.

Module 2: Social Media Marketing for Hospitality
  • Understand the role of social media in the hospitality industry.
  • Identify the key social media platforms that are most effective for the hospitality industry.
  • Develop and implement a social media marketing strategy for a hospitality business.
  • Create engaging and informative social media content.
  • Measure and track the results of social media marketing campaigns.

Module 3: Email Marketing for Hospitality
  • Understand the importance of email marketing in the hospitality industry.
  • Develop and implement an email marketing strategy for a hospitality business.
  • Create effective email marketing campaigns.
  • Measure and track the results of email marketing campaigns.

Module 4: Direct Marketing for Hospitality
  • Understand the different types of direct marketing campaigns that can be used in the hospitality industry.
  • Develop and implement a direct marketing strategy for a hospitality business.
  • Create effective direct marketing materials.
  • Measure and track the results of direct marketing campaigns.

This course is level 2. Candidates entering this program should have the following:

  • A high school diploma or equivalent
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • A passion for the hospitality industry
  • A demonstrated ability to learn new concepts and apply them to practical situations

100 GLH